High Country Lavender is a little lavender farm and shop located at 3000 ft elevation in beautiful Meadows of Dan, Virgina. Given the elevation, our lavender blooms mid to late June and we harvest 1st -2nd week of July. In keeping with our mission to regenerate the land, we only harvest about 3⁄4 of the lavender in the field, leaving the rest for the bees and our visitors to enjoy.We invite you to visit our farm for the next bloom in late June, early July 2024 where you can walk through the lavender field, have a picnic, enjoy some lavender lemonade, and visit the lavender shop where you will find a variety of handcrafted and curated lavender products.

Yes, it is true! High Country Lavender is under new ownership! Sandra is off to new adventures in Italy, but, not to worry, the farm and shop aren't going anywhere. I do apologize for the inconvenience of the shop not being open this season as long as usual, but hope you'll bear with me as we work through the transition. I plan to keep many shop favorites, and intend to expand the products offered. Plus, we actually bought the whole farm, not just the lavender shop, and will be offering experiences throughout! Please check back on the website as I'll be adding products over time. I'll be happy to ship your order, or you can meet me at the shop by appointment for pick up...I would LOVE to meet you!
We have quite the vision for the future of the farm and the shop! Like anything worthwhile, it'll take us a bit of time to bring it all together, but the process is half the fun! We look forward to being part of the wonderful community in Meadows of Dan!
Please follow our progress on FB and Instagram! And feel free to contact me with any questions (or suggestions of products you'd like to see included in the shop)!

It's nice to meet you!
My name is Wendy Basil and I am the grateful new owner of High Country Lavender.
I believe what we put on our skin and in our homes are just as important as what we eat. I aim to offer clean products with natural ingredients that add to our health rather than destroy it. Join me in my quest to build the future through the wisdom of the past!